The market The world market for the production of drinking water was estimated in 2007 at $400 billion, expected to increase to $533 billion in 2013. The prognosis of growth for world market for ultra-violet and ozone disinfection of drinking water points to an...
Cas 36 : IInnovations in Paper
The market The paper industry plays a dominant role in the world economy with global annual revenues exceeding $500 billion dollars, producing over 300 million tons of products. The US industry accounts for approximately one third, its European counterpart is valued...
Cas 23 : Clean without Soap
The market The current world market for cleaning services exceeds 150 billion dollars. Of this amount more than 60 billion is generated in Europe and nearly 50 billion in the US alone. It is probably the most entrepreneurial and labor intensive sector in the world...
Cas 18 : Clean Water without Sewers
The market Although our planet seems to be surrounded with a volume of about 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water, 97 percent is salt water, 2 percent is frozen in the form of glaciers and only 1 percent is available as drinking water. It is therefore imperative that...
Cas 15 : Hot Water for 25 Years (minimum)
The Market for Space Heating with Solar The world market for water and space heating with solar energy will reach in the next decade -according to Lester Brown, the founder of the Earth Policy Institute- nearly 1.2 billion square meters of installed capacity. If other...
この記事は作成中であり、更新中です。ソースは反対側のPDFでご覧いただけます。市場 水処理と飲料水製造の世界市場は、これまでで最も安全な投資の一つである。水という商品は、社会や産業にとって必要不可欠なものです。人口が増加し、一人当たりの消費量が増え続ける中、きれいな水を利用できるかどうかは、ますます大きなプレッシャーになっています。かつて水は無料であり、共有の財産であった。ここ数十年、水はキャッシュフローが確保され、消費者へのコストが増加する収益性の高いビジネスになっています。...
Cas 1 : Vortex
The market The global water treatment and drinking water production market represents one of the most secure investments ever made. Water commodities are essential to society and industry. The availability of clean water is under increasing pressure as the population...